Sunday 18 July 2010

Long overdue update

Yes, here comes a long overdue update.

It's been four months since I last wrote anything here, and we haven't done very much this time. I have been working as usual, and Helen has been "recovering".

We have had some nice parties in our flat, and I have spent a few evenings out with my friends.

We have visited my brother and his family a few times, we spent a lovely midsummer holiday there.

And my good friend Kelly has visited for two weekends from Denmark.

But most of all we have really enjoyed the increased stability, calm and peace in our lives, it has been great to find some firm ground after the roller coaster ride we have had for the last two years.

Helen has been going to a physiotherapist, and her muscles are slowly getting stronger, she can now walk using just a crutch, but her left hand is still very weak.
She had a brain scan in the end of April, the result was quite promising, they could then see no trace of tumour activity, but Helen is still frequently experiencing nausea and dizzyness, which might just as well be reactions to the treatment she has received. She will have more scans soon.

Last Thursday it was one year since Carl was born, of course that was a date with a bit more sadness than usual.

On the 1st of May we moved into the flat we are living in now, it is still just a second-hand contract and we will need to find a new place for the 1st of September, but that won't be a problem I am sure :)

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