Friday 14 August 2009

Finally some good news!!!

Over the last 48 hours Carl seems to have recovered from the NEC infection that he has been suffering from for 10 days. For two days last week the doctors told us he was "touch and go".

His platelets are still low, and the doctors say that "things can change very fast for someone this small".

The swelling has gone down and they have reduced most of the medicines. They have also removed the breathing machine, so now he is breathing on his own, which also at last enables him to cry.

Who knew it would feel so great to hear one's own child crying?

1 comment:

Ness said...

oh Dan! I'm so glad to hear that things are starting to look up for little Carl. I've been wallowing in my own problems but then my mother reminded me that when you think things are going badly for you, chances are there is someone going through much worse.
You and Helen have been through the mill and I only hope and pray that this is the end of the uphill struggle and from now on, it's all good!

Much love to you both